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Hoorah for the future!!

by nathanlarkin — last modified 2007-02-22 21:48

Well i have made a very hard decission and decided to leave my current job at Corporate Express and start learning the family business.

The "Family Business" you ponder? No it has nothing to do with the Mafia, it's Bicycles. My father is the owner of Rays Bicycle Centre and i will be joining him to learn all about the business and hopefully taking it over at a later date. This is something that couldn't have happened at a better time. I have been looking for a new place to work for a while now, but having my dad ask me to join him was not only out of the blue but something i have wished for a long time.

How does this relate to riding and trainng in my quest for Maters Track Success in the futer? Well i will be able to commute most of the way every morning witch will help with my traing and dropping a little mor weight. It will also give the oppurtunity to get some extra K's in the legs.

I am so exited!! 



Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-02-24 05:00
Way to go Nathan. Good luck in your new career.
( I bags the first "Friends of Natahn discount voucher)

Well Done Nathan

Posted by nick at 2007-02-27 06:55
Wow Nathan what news. Commuting to work is a great idea. I commuted all through last winter and will do it again this winter.
Now you are going to be working at a bike shop make sure you look after all your friends at aboc.

PS I take everything back what I have said about sprinters in the past few weeks
Seriously though well done!

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