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More bits!

by Carl Brewer last modified 2007-10-31 17:21

More new stuff to play with ...

It might seem odd that I've lost my main client (and as such, will be eating boiled rice for a while 'til I find a new one!) and am still collecting bike stuff, but the job at CS I get paid in bike bits, not cash.  So what's on the way?  The Truvativ Omnium cranks should arrive this week (at last!), after months of waiting, Monza Imports now have them, so I will have them on the T1 Real Soon Now.  Just in time maybe for this weekend's BBN track races?  If it doesn't rain ...

What else?  I've got a 17.5" 2008 Trek Fuel EX 8 on the way.  Well, kinda ... it's a demo model for the shop, but I'm paying for it and it'll essentially be mine.  We'll have it at the shop as a demonstrator, so you can come to the shop and borrow it, but please don't break it!  Trek Aust say it should arrive in Oz around the 20th of Nov, so hopefully we'll have it together in time for our next trip up to Bonnie Doon to do Hurt Hill on the 25th of November.  Hopefully ... If anyone from TBA is reading, can this be sent out ASAP!  Thankyou!  This adds to the aboc stable at Cycle Science, my T1000 road tandem lives there too, and is able to be used as a demonstrator and I'll hire it to you, if you want a ride!  Next on the list is a Project One '08 Madone 5.2, but that'll be a while unless I get a good IT client quickly.  Lucky I don't own a car ...

The weather for the w'end looks a bit dodgey, but the BoM is, I think, forecasting rain out of hope not any real expectation of real rain.  Showers for Sat & Sun .. we'll see .. The regular BBN racing can get washed out, but not my TSSS! aboc has donated $300 to the BBN track race prize pool for rounds that happen on the same weekend as TSSS rounds, but Nicko hasn't put anything up on the BBN website about it despite my regular nagging him to do so.  If they don't know, they won't go ...  I'm not very happy about this, but I guess it's normal BBN/Nicko inertia.  I'll call him today and fire a rocket up his arse I think.  That money came out of my pocket (and my pocket isn't very deep!) to help promote the BBN track races and I want to see it used well. so far, it's been wasted.  Who knows there's a bigger prize pool this w'end?  No-one ...

The climbing camp is drawing close too, the accom is all paid for and I have a freezer full of mince beef, it's about time I sent out an email to the people coming with a reminder etc.

And finally, if you know anyone looking for IT support, part time UNIX sysadmin stuff or Internet hosting, please let me know.  aboc doesn't pay for much except aboc's running costs, and I have 4 weeks to find a new client or five or I'm in deep poop! the job at Vivitec winds up on the 1st of December.  Help!



Are you serious?

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-10-31 22:04
Are you telling me there is a bonus $300 worth of prizemoney at this Saturday's BBN racing and no one knows about it? Grrr...

I might write some more when I calm down a bit..

sorta ...

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-11-01 03:20
The $300 is to be spread out over the rounds that match up with the TSSS, so around $70 extra each meeting. It's not a lot looked at that way, but basically I've given BBN $300 to draw more riders to the BBN rounds, and Nicko's done nothing to let anyone know about it despite my reminding him at least 3 times in the last fortnight.

timing ...

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-11-01 03:23
I just spoke to Nicko now and he's going to put something up tonight. It's too late to make much difference, but it's better than nothing.

Thank you

Posted by robmonteath at 2007-11-01 04:41
you do way too much......but on behalf of everyone at BBN, thank


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