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Em, the rocket! by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-18 21:35
Emily's over in Adelaide and she's flying!
18 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-18 21:35
Emily 6th fastest qualifier at Aussies by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-18 21:18
Emily sets a new PB and is the quickest of the Vics
Racing this weekend by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-17 23:07
A good week so far training ...
17 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-17 23:06
DISC #1 2009 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-17 19:34
The first aboc DISC session for 2009
2008 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-17 19:31
First spin for 2009 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-17 19:25
The infamous aboc Spin Sessions restart!
In the end we didn't do too badly by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-15 23:07
At the club teams championships at DISC that is
15 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-15 23:07
Guinness by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-15 06:18
Tired by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-14 21:58
The season is almost over ...
14 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-14 21:58
Almost another year done by nathanlarkin, last updated: 2009-03-14 01:37
Now where did i put that beer??
14 by nathanlarkin, last updated: 2009-03-14 01:37
March by nathanlarkin, last updated: 2009-03-14 01:37
Feeling shakey by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-10 16:29
10 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-10 16:27
Racing is training by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-10 16:13
In many different ways
08 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-03-08 20:06

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