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Ride to Casey Field Crit

by Carl Brewer last modified 2006-07-22 04:47 — expired

Bunch ride to Casey Field Criterium

What ride
When 2006-07-29
from 11:00 to 17:00
Where Vermont
Contact Name Carl Brewer
Contact Email
Contact Phone 0419 966 003
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Riding from aboc HQ to Casey Field for a criterium.  Leaving 539 Mitcham Rd at 11am, eta Casey Field 1.00pm for a 1:30 crit. 

Route via Stud Rd to Dandenong, then South Gippsland Hwy to Cranbourne.  Return the same way - via the Cranbourne bakery for fuel!

Same time & place

Posted by wayneflint at 2006-07-27 20:02

See you on Stud Rd as per usual as long as the weather hold off.

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