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Random rambings ...


Not bad, considering!

I got carried away in the 'Haus but still managed a decent output at Spin

After Lucie and I spent a very relaxing weekend at Bonnie Doon, planting trees and burning weeds, no bikes, no Internet, no weights ... It was back to it yesterday.  I got a bit carried away in the 'Haus, and did 3 sets of 5 squats at 165kg, the last two of the third set were really really hard!  I had to sit down for some time to recover!  It's not often I see 157bpm or more when doing strength work.  Finished off with three sets of three cleans at 60kg.  Pretty weak, but I was well shattered from the squats.  My form was ok, they were definitely power cleans, not squat cleans!  Throw the bar up, there's no way I'm going to squat to get under it, if it doesn't get to sternum-height, it can just hit the floor...  Oh, it's 5:15pm, I start spin at 7 ... Um ... Food, fast!  Bolted down some chocolate Big-M.  Ok ....

Bev picked me up at 6 as usual, we loaded the car and I was lethargic indeed.  Very dead legs.  A slow start, at 6:30 there was just a few people, but by 6:40 we had 18 people packing the rooms, not including Ratty Rattus, who has found a home in the kitchen, it seems.  Warmup started at a shade before 7 so about 10 mins of E1, then a couple of 5s HCLR's on the minute to get the legs moving.  Ok, they went alright.  The next block was 3 x 10s big gear sprints from a very slow start on 5 minute blocks.  The first one, 1471 watts.  Ok!  After the heavy squats I thought I'd be lucky to crack 1400, but 1471, I'm happy with that.  The next two were a bit weaker, 1413 and 1369, so the squats and power cleans had some some damage, but that's ok.  Quality's dropping off, time to change exercises.  The next effort was a chunder-drill, a 30 second sprint.  These are spectacularly painful.  Phosphagen runs out after 6-8 seconds, fast glycolysis at around 25 seconds, the last 5 seconds is desperate indeed.  Only the one to do, and I got it, started at 1158 watts, by the end of the 30 seconds, down to 610! HR up to 182bpm though.  Ouch.  Big time.  Last effort for the night is a pair of 15 second HCLRs just to do a bit of final leg speed stuff.  They're not too bad.  Happy with the night's work. 

I'm supposed to squat heavy again today.   Um ... maybe!  Going for a swim at lunchtime to see if that opens things up a bit first!

For anyone curious, here's the 30 second max effort graph :

30 second max effort

Spin session details

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Yesterday I got a call.....

Yesterday one of our Spin attendees called me, asking if we'd sell her copies of the spin program we run on Tuesday because she liked it and couldn't make it after moving to the country.  I'd never thought of selling it, but certainly we can give it out.  So, from now on, every spin session will be documented online so you can see what we did, and do it yourself if you feel like it. We already do that for our DISC sessions, this seems a logical extension to that.  Look here for the sessions for 2009. 

If I get sufficiently organised, we'll have the sessions planned beforehand so you can see what we're going to do.  That might scare people away though ... Heh!

Eildon Junior Tour

We're helping at the EJT

I've spent a bit of time knocking up a website for the Eildon Junior Tour.  It's a basic Plone site, no frills, content is king ... Anyway ... After a relaxing and totally bike-free few days at Bonnie Doon, it's back to the millstone today.  The plan is a set of medium weights in the 'haus at about 4pm, then spin like a loon in the sprinters stream at Spin tonight.  Tomorrow, if my legs are ok from today, lift heavy - I've done a couple of sets of 3 reps at 170kg squats now, it's time to up the volume and go for 5's before I bump the weight up.  The 3's felt reasonably easy last week which is a good sign.

Nathan ran DISC on Sunday for me, it'll be good to hear how that went from him and some of the others who went along.  It'll be back to me running it this Sunday though, so no rest for the keen.

News from the Apolitos is that they've got a nice view in some village in France.  Very nice ... No bikes yet though. 



A night at le Tour?

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By proxy, that is ...

Recently I had a lucky break with my real job, a disposed of video/TV/computer projector, with a bit of fiddling around, started to work again, so I have a 'big screen' TV of sorts, when hooked up to a laptop anyway.  It's not HD, but it's pretty good all the same. I also have a TV receiver card for my lappy - mobile SBS ... And SBS, as all who read here will know, do le Tour, mostly live.  Good-o.  They're responsible for many many sleepless nights over July for the last few years.

Anyway ... enough with the preamble.  The Tour this year promises to be one of the best ever.  A super-team clash, Saxobank (formerly CSC), with Sastre (maybe blown after the Giro?), the Schlecks coming into form, vs Astana's powerhouse team who have 8 TdF wins in their starting line and a second place or two (Armstrong, Contador and Leipheimer) as well as Popovich and the master of tour tactics calling their shots (Johan Bruneel).   Add to the mix Cadel Evans who's hitting form right on time as well, but with a suspect team (again!).  Can Cadel benefit from the struggle between the two superteams?  Who knows?  It'll be fascinating, that's for sure.

So we'll all be watching.  I have a big screen, Blackburn has clubrooms with a gas heater, a big fridge (or just put your drinks outside, it'll be cold enough ...) and an oven and stove for the making of fresh popcorn etc.  Who's in?!  I'm going to confirm with the club tonight at the committee meeting, but I'm proposing the following nights :

Friday 10th July : stage details.

Sunday 19th July : stage details.

Tues 21st July : stage details.

Sat 25th July (Ventoux!) : stage details.

These will be open to all Blackburn and aboc people.  $5 to come along and we'll provide the popcorn and snacks.



Just about ready to rumble again

I'm 90% over this 'flu!

After about a week of 'flu and general malaise, I'm just about right.  I had a gentle ride on Saturday and didn't feel awful, which was good, and did some light lifting in the 'haus on Sunday morning which also went well.  Lucie and I spent Sunday afternoon at my Dad's place in Baxter using the flame weeder to kill weeds around his pool and start some burnoff fires.  Very much fun!  Tomorrow morning is supposed to be the second DUCC training session at Blackburn but the BoM says :

Forecast for Tuesday

Cloudy. Isolated showers during the morning, becoming more widespread during the day. The chance of thunderstorms with hail from midday. Possible snow about the nearby hills at night. Winds northwesterly averaging up to 30 km/h increasing to 30 to 40 km/h during the morning then tending west to southwesterly around midday.

City Showers increasing. Windy.
Min 7 Max 12

So we may be washed out ... We'll see.  Tomorrow night's spag boll sauce is all done thanks to Lucie's help in the aboc kitchen, and it's another good one, with a little bit more chilli to warm up the troops.

We've got a committee meeting this Wednesday too, Lucie & I spent some time today running around to find a letterbox, the club has no consistent place to put correspondence and about 6 months ago I promised to sort that out.  It's done now, we have a plastic slot glued to the wall next to the door (on the inside!) that any mail, licence forms etc can go in for Rob to pick up.  Hopefully the glue will last!  Some kind people have put some graffitti on the door and the sponsor sign that we'll sort out tomorrow as well.  I think phenol is a good solvent for the sort of textas and paint pens used by the illiterate scrawlers who seem convinced that we need to know they paid us a visit under cover of darkness.  Very brave ...

So if all goes well, tomorrow I'll lift heavy, after a week of next to no work I'll drop back down to 160kg, but that should quickly increase to 170kg I expect and if time permits I'll throw in some deadlifts as well and will do a sprint session at Spin and do the usual swap with Nath to run the session.

It's good to be on the mend.


Super-Efficient training

More than one thing at a time

A good friend of mine is a marshal arts instructor (g'day Dan!).  He writes an interesting blog on his training.  Unless you're into Judo and Jiu Jitsu it's probably a bit dry but you never know. He's a good author and a great communicator.  It's always worth having a look at what other athletes use and one of the interesting things he talks about is super efficient training.  He's not training athletes in strength or speed, he's teaching techniques.  With my Strength & Conditioning hat on I'd say he should incorporate serious strength work for his people, but we'll have that discussion over a beer one night.  Stronger people are harder to kill, after all.  He'd counter that he'd be able to beat me up despite my strength advantage, and he'd be right, but if he was stronger, it'd be easier for him to do it!

What does he mean by super efficient?  Roughly, training for one thing can be used to reinforce other things.  How to apply this to cycling, for example?  We can do tractical drills with gear restrictions - teaching tactical riding while forcing higher cadences to be burned in - we do this when we limit the gears riders can use in tactical sessions.  Doing sprint drills on ergos placed very close together - so we get our strength & power work, but also get used to going flat-out while banging elbows against another rider.  Doing sprint drills with reaction work mixed in, spin people will get a chance to deal with this in the next few weeks, we have some new drills for you.  I'm sure there's other examples.  Food for thought ...

On the mend

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I've spent the last few days crook .. but am starting to feel better!

Jokes about the Swine 'flu abound .. I've had a decent cold with 'flu symptoms for almost a week (aching bones, sore joints, headache, sneezing and coughing etc) - I don't know or care if it's the aporkalypse 'flu, but I'm starting to feel better today.  I didn't train on Tuesday or Wednesday at all and won't do anything today either but with a bit of luck and another good night's sleep or two I reckon I'll be ok to go again on the weekend.

What does it mean to support racing?

How best to make racing better?

Lots of people would think the best way to support a race or racing in general is to sponsor things.  Hand out cash for King/Queen of the mountain, primes in crits (does anyone do primes at crits anyway?!), donate cash to add to prizemoney pools and so on.

I think that's sub-optimal.  I think the best way to support racing is to get involved in organising, promoting and competing in races.  I personally don't know anyone that cares terribly much about how much prizemoney there is for a race.  I won a moderately big handicap way back in my enduro days (Lenny Hammond H'cap 2004) and it paid $250 for the win.  Not bad, but to be honest, if it was $10 or $500, it wouldn't have made any difference to me and I didn't even consider prizemoney when I entered.  The win was the thing and Mal Sawford's writeup in Cycling News and the CCCC website was the crown jewels. 

Most of the people I race with and work with don't care about prizemoney.  They like bling prizes though, but using bling prizes to effect is the key.  The way CCCC use an aggregate for their crit series, for example, is fantastic.  Riders from every grade have a chance (although with CCCC's crits, realistically it's won by A grade riders most of the time but that's because they promote grades on wins and winners trickle up until they stop winning) and it encourages regular participation.  Aggregates, rewards for outstanding performances and the like are good, I think, and our experience at the Summer Sprint Series seems to hold that to be true.  The few A grade lads that win most of the races most of the time don't make the field, it's a quality field across the grades that makes for great racing for everyone and I think prizes and event structures should reflect that. 

At the SSS we scaled our aggregate performances by grade and while an A grader did win the overall, daily aggregate prizes were split across each grade and in '07-'08 the aggregate was tied between an A grader and a C->B grader and it was decided by fractions of a second in the end, so really, everyone did have a chance.  I reckon we've stumbled onto a good model that allows riders at any level to have a chance at the 'big' prizes, without us as organisers spending loads of cash. If I give you $50, you pop it in your wallet and spend it on who knows what, it gets lost in general revenue and forgotten .. but if you win some 'thing', it's a better prize, I think and if you have a chance to win the same prize as the top riders, then grading really does work.

Back to supporting ... The best thing riders can do is to hype the events they want to happen.  If you want a quality field to race in, YOU have to help get people there.  That means talking up events with your riding chums etc.  Just showing up on the day to race is not enough.



Deakin training starts tomorrow

Our first lot of training sessions for the Deakin CC start tomorrow morning

As I've mentioned before, aboc has been asked to, and is, providing a set of 10 one-hour training sessions at Blackburn for the Deakin Uni Cycling Club.  We're also sponsoring them a little, aboc IT Consulting is hosting their web site.  The forecast is ok ... it might be cold but probably dry.

The BoM says :

Forecast for Tuesday

Cloudy. Dry for much of the day although a lttle patchy rain at times. Light northeast to southeast winds.

City Cloudy, mainly dry.
Min 9
Max 16

So it'll be cold for the first one tomorrow morning, at 8am.

Before then, tonight I'm doing a plone training course, from 1am to 5am and then have to be at Blackburn at 7 to take a new lad through the basics of riding fixed on a track.  Not much sleep tonight and I think I'll need a very easy day tomorrow before the spin session.  I've had some news from the Apolito branch of the aboc Sprint Squad.  The hotel they're in in the US (California) has a gym and some excercise bikes.  I'm expecting to hear that Emily has broken at least one by the end of the week!
Speaking of spin, Lucie and I have cooked another big bolla for dinner and it tastes pretty good.  Bring your appetite if you're coming.
DISC - as it's the long weekend this weekend, we're considering not running a session at DISC this Sunday.  Will confirm with Nathan tomorrow night and put a note up on the website and do a bit of a ring around to let everyone know. So, who has Julian, Carmel and Jonathon's contact details?!

Speaking of DISC, last Sunday's session went well.  Despite the Apolito's being absent and Mason and Jason being under the weather, we had a turnout of 7 (9 if you include the coaches, myself and Nathan).  The enduros all left pretty-well shattered, the drill where we pace them behind the motorbike and then they have to attack off the front is a toaster, that's for sure.  It was popular, if brutally hard.  With Em and Dino away the sprint squad got to do 4 x 1/2 lap jumps in pairs, 2 seated and two with out of the saddle starts and we finished with 2 baby keirins.  4 laps at 40km/h behind the bike and then 1 and a half laps to race.  We were all on little gears, 86" or so which made it interesting and a real tax on leg speed. I was pretty happy with how I went, I've not been feeling all that well (swine 'flu jokes, bring 'em on!) but I managed to hit the bunch pretty hard in the baby keirins and get 55km/h on the small gear from not much of a leadout.  Certainly not unhappy with that effort.

The Vic masters time trial series got underway on the weekend as well, and both Martin Lama, who many aboc'ers know well and Shane 'The Llama' Miller won their grades (B and A respectively).  I'm not sure how Martin managed to get into B grade, but it won't be for long!  Great effort, lads.  The turnout at the event was pretty healthy despite the 450km driving to do a 20km time trial.  It shows that there's a definate market for time trialing.  I'd like to think that Blackburn has had something to do with it, as we've been pushing the ITT thing for a few years now at the Boule' and it's growing.  A lot of early promotional work was done by Nick Bird last year which really brought about a critical mass of riders who knew about the event and gave it a go, and it goes to show that if you build it, and you PUBLICISE IT! they will come ... I ran out of time to do the promo cards for the Australia Day Madison for tomorrow night's Brunswick Madison No.2 but hopefully they'll run another and we'll get something for that in time.


It's good to be lazy

Overshoot - or why it's good to slack off

Type 2b muscle fibres are the ones sprinters want the most of.  They're the fastest of the two fast twitch fibres found in human muscle tissue.  The more you have, the faster and more powerfully your muscles work and the faster you can go.  Enduros don't want these at all, they're next to useless for endurance work.  Enduros spend their time trying to convert type two fibres to type one.  Type one, or 'slowtwitch' fibres are the ones that go all day, but 10 times slower in contraction speed than fast twitch fibres.

A very interesting article on 'Overshooting' is here.

The gist of it is :

a pattern of heavy resistance training followed by decreased activity causes first a decrease then an overshoot in the proportion of the fastest fibre type in the trained/detrained muscle group.

That's good!


a large increase in training volume for approximately three months will decrease the proportion of IIb fibres in the trained muscles; a subsequent reduction (not cessation) in training volume relative to the heavy resistance training phase should not only reverse this decrease but lead to a significant overshoot in the proportion of IIb fibres. In consequence, the potential for the rapid and forceful muscle contractions so crucial to sprint performance should be enhanced.
This conclusion is in line with the current training practices of many sprint athletes: a heavy resistance training phase followed by a taper in training volume and intensity in the lead up to the competitive season(9). And on the evidence of the Copenhagen research, others would be advised to follow their example, with three months of heavy resistance training followed by three months of relative detraining, with relatively reduced training volume in the run up to key targeted events.

Interesting.  One study found an increase from 9% to 18% (double!) the proportion of 2b fibres after a heavy block of training and then a layoff.  Ratios on their own are easily misinterpreted but that's a very significant increase.  It's rumoured that the British track sprint squad used this phenomenon to great effect in their preparation for Beijing.

Does this mean we should slack off before big sprint meetings?  It would seem so, at least in terms of heavy strength work.


A good mythbusting article on DOMS

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Misunderstood, myth-based explanations abound ...

Many of us have experienced DOMS at some point or other in our lives.  DOMS is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.  It's a mildly painful muscle soreness that comes 24-48 hours after exercise, usually an exercise you haven't done before or haven't done for a long time, and that involves eccentric contractions.  Eccentric means lengthening under load.  Imagine holding a weight in your hand and lowering it, so your bicep is extending, not contracting, under load.  That's an example of an eccentric contraction. 

What causes it?  Many will say 'lactic acid', and they'll be wrong.  There is no such thing as lactic acid in the human body.  Ever.  It just doesn't happen. I've ranted on about that before, but just to be blunt, from wikipedia :


Contrary to popular belief, this increased concentration of lactate does not directly cause acidosis, nor is it responsible for delayed onset muscle soreness.[1] This is because lactate itself is not capable of releasing a proton, and secondly, the acidic form of lactate, lactic acid, cannot be formed under normal circumstances in human tissues.[citations needed] Analysis of the glycolytic pathway in humans indicates that there are not enough hydrogen ions present in the glycolytic intermediates to produce lactic or any other acid.


Here's the best explanation of what DOMS is and how it's caused that I've ever read.   Well worth the 10 minutes of your life it will take to read. Some key points from it :

  • Pain killers (NSAIDs etc) don't help. In fact, using many of them in 'normal doses' decreases protein synthesis.  Do not use NSAIDs (ibroprufen, naproxen etc) when doing strength training, they reduce the effects of the training AND don't reduce the effects of DOMS.
  • The burning sensation when exercising very hard is not related to DOMS
  • Muscles will adjust to soreness with time. If you’re unaccustomed to doing a particular exercise or activity, you can bank on being sore the next day or two. But if you keep up the activity, you’ll soon stop getting sore.
  • DOMS and actual muscle growth don’t have much to do with each other, no DOMS does not mean no muscle growth, and DOMS does not mean muscle growth.  Correlation is not causation!
  • DOMS seems to be inflammation of intra-muscular connective tissues
  • DOMS itself is not a by-product of muscle fiber inflammation. Being sore does not mean that your muscles are undergoing growth. They might be undergoing repair, but these are not the same things.
  • DOMS itself will be caused by any eccentric exercise that you do for enough total reps. The less accustomed you are to that type of exercise, the worse the soreness will be after the fact. This can be squats, or a long walk down a hill etc.



Mega Phone

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So now we don't have to shout

On the list of things we need to get (including a track power meter and some bumper plates) was a megaphone.  We used to use the Blackburn one at Spin sessions, but it's missing or broken or both so we needed to get one.  Especially with the Deakin lads with wind trainers, it's very very noisy at spin when the sprint is on.  Nath and I were reduced to a scraping whisper at the end of last week's spin session.  Not any more!5 watt megaphone


The Tandem!

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Dino took some photos

Two big sprinters on a tandem! Thankyou Dino for the photo (and the loan of your daughter!)Carl and Em on the tandem

A big week

Lots done!

We keep getting more people at our spin sessions.  Last Tuesday we had 24 spinners, a new record for our sessions.  People are overflowing out the door and more want to come.  If everyone shows up we'll need a bigger venue and I'll need a bigger pot to make the dinner in.  We're already up to a 2.5kg mince beef and 2kg of mushrooms feed and that's about the limit of my big cauldron.

Yesterday we had the Sprint Squad in the 'Haus and it was heavy strength day.  Everyone set new PB's in their lifts and I felt good, so went for 3 x 3 @170kg squats, and I got 'em!  Woo hoo!  We also did benchpress and deadlifts to finish off, I got 5 deadlifts at 150kg too, which was a new PB for that lift as well.  The others all PB'd in everything too.  A very solid session.

Afterwards we had a thankyou BBQ for all those that helped out at last summer's Sprint Series.  aboc put on the bangers and bread and some chilli chickenwings and a good time was had by all who made it.  It was particularly good to see the Dundii again and to get a chance to thank Ann Apolito and Sue Dundas for their work last year and of course Lucie for her photography, my Dad came too (he was a photographer at one round) and had a good time.

Today we had the first round of the Blackburn time trial series for 2009.  I was pretty anxious about this, we'd had some 60 pre-entries and were expecting more to roll up and enter on the day.  Blackburns' reputation for running time trials is .. unfortunate .. over the years a number of high profile events have gone awry and with a huge field I was pretty concerned that things would go wrong, but Richard Stringer put together a great team and everything went faultlessly, or at least appeared to, and that's all that matters!  In the end some 110 riders raced the time trial and the results were done within 10 minutes of the last rider finishing.  Fantastic.  They need to be put up on the club's website ASAP too (very important these days!).  Hopefully that will have been taken care of also.

Em and I rode the big aboc Trek T1000 tandem in the time trial and I'm pretty sure we came dead last, but we did win the tandem division.  My alarm didn't go off and I was lucky that I woke up at 6:55, but I didn't have time for breakfast, having to fly out the door.  I rode the tandem solo to the city, along the way hooking up with Bev and Karen who both delighted in dropping me on every hill!  Hungry like the wolf but no food, I rode the ITT with Em and we did a solid E3 effort, then on the ride home (again solo on the tandem) I bonked ... Groveling up Whitehorse Road at 15km/h wasn't fun.  The refueling process was started as soon as I got home, we're training at DISC tonight and I need some matches to burn!


Good stuff

Got the squats

I'm happy to say that, with a bit of help from Lucie (shouting 'lift it you lazy, fat slob!'), I got 5 x 5 @ 165kg squats.  The last two of the last set were pretty ugly, but they're in the bag.  I'm now frantically trying to refuel in time for tonight's spin session.  If we go according to form, we'll have 20 or so people tonight.  I have cooked another big bolla and it tastes and smells great.

I'm a bit peeved that no-one from Blackburn got back to me re the Brunswick madison.  I offered to print up some cards to take along to try and promote the Australia Day Madison (specifically the womens' madison) and sent a couple of emails to BBN, no reply.  I can't go along to it to hand them out, but I could have had promo cards done easily - I was (and am!) prepared to pay for them.  Sometimes I wonder.  If we get no teams showing up for next summer's ADM womens madison, I guess we know why.  These things have to be promoted.  It's not hard to do.

Anyway, spag boll tonight, we're only in this for the food ...


Back into it

After an easy week, it's time to start digging again

Last week was a dreadful one for training - As well as being just generally run down I had to do an all nighter with my real job on Thursday (which I will have to do again this week, Wednesday and Thursday nights), which meant I had no energy to train.  Power meter figures for last Tuesday's spin were way down and my attempts to lift heavy were feeble and I had to bail out on them.  Generally lethargic as well.  Still, this isn't a whinging blog, or at least I try and minimise it.  I think I just needed an easy week.  I did some lighter squats, sets of 150kg, which these days feel astonishingly easy, and a set of 160kg, but nothing heavier.  Felt pretty good at DISC on Sunday night too, so I think I'm coming good.

This week, I'm feeling much better.  An easy day yesterday, Lucie and I just went for a nice walk in a park.  Today I'm going to have a go at some 165kg squats again and see how they go.  If they work, 167.5 on Thursday (if I get enough sleep) and aiming for 170kg next week.  I'd also like to crack 1,500 watts again tonight at spin. 

I have a new trainer to evaluate, one of the new Cyclops JetFluids.  On first glance it seems that Saris have gone a bit silly, and some of the 'features' will turn out to be liabilities.  It's got a very odd wheel tensioning thing that has springs in it which I suspect will be a long-term liability.  Perhaps because of this it's got to be the only trainer I know of with a lifetime warranty for the frame, but less for the components.  Still, time will tell.  The trainer has a plastic shroud over most of the roller, which aparently is there to channel air from the flywheel's fan blades over the fluid unit to cool it.  I think Saris are making a mistake there, maybe Kurt Kinetic have a patent on their mechanism (magnetic coupling to the impellor so the fluid chamber has no need for seals for the drive shaft).  The older Saris fluid2's were famous for blowing drive shaft seals and leaking and air cooling is maybe supposed to address this, but by using more air cooling they're only addressing the symptom, not the cause.  The shroud also makes maintenace tricky.  My old fluid 2 is now quite a mess, the flywheel rattles and it's next to impossible to fix.  We'll see if the new one is any better.


Training adaptations

More on what happens when we train

Enduro cycling is interesting.  It's a real mish-mash of requirements, unlike other endurance sports it has a (sometimes significant) over threshold power component.  Many races end in sprint finishes, the nature of the sport is such that riders can't just ride at their threshold power output and expect to win in anything except a time trial.  Attacks, short hills, sprint finishes etc mean the endurance road racer must have a mixed bag of adaptations to training. Road racing and MTB racing is primarily aerobic in nature, but not entirely.

What about long, slow distance?  Traditional base miles, go out and ride for 1,000km before doing any intensity?  What's the stressor that that introduces?  Energy use.  The stress of the body running low on fuel forces it to adapt to burn more fat.  Not as a weight loss thing but as an energy source.

Getting back to Seyle's adaptation syndrome, it boils down to this, thanks to Lon Kilgore for the concise summation :

The crux of the correct application of Selye’s theory is to understand that a disruption of homeostasis must occur in the physiological system of interest in order for adaptation and fitness improvement to occur in that same system.

So, roadies and MTB racers doing long races need to stress the body by running it low on energy reserves.  This doesn't boost VO2max, but it does force an adaptation to metabolise more energy from stored fat and an adaptation to store more glygogen.  Lon writes it well again :

Long-slow-distance training is energy substrate depleting in nature. It has been shown many times over that glycogen stores can be totally depleted with this type of training, and depletion of an energy substrate should be considered a fairly significant homeostatic disruption of metabolism. It would not be prudent to consider only complete depletion as a disruptive stress, partial depletions should be considered disruptive as well IF AND ONLY IF the depletion is larger than previously experienced by the trainee. This type of training can also exceed the body’s ability to metabolize fat for energy. Driving a metabolic system beyond its normal range of operation or to failure is definitely a disruption of homeostasis. Combined, the stress of glycogen depletion below normally experienced levels while simultaneously exceeding fat metabolic capacity drives an improvement in storing and utilizing these two energetic substrates and results in being able to run longer – thus endurance has improved but VO2max has not improved.

So, LSD has a place. It's probably not as important as increasing aerobic capacity is for roadies and other enduro cyclists, but it is important.  How much needs to be done?  That's an interesting question.  The balance between high intensity intervals (E3 and above) that stress the aerobic system and energy depleting training is a challenge to get right and varies from athlete to athlete.  Long, slow miles gets a rider better at riding long, slow miles. We also need to boost aerobic capacity by doing high intensity work.  Something that really stresses the aerobic capacity of a rider, for example riding at just above a sustainable power output is good for raising thresholds, as is doing shorter, high intensity riding with limited recovery, such as 1 minute ITT efforts with 1 minute's recovery between efforts.  These are spectacularly good at driving increases in aerobic capacity.  If all you do is base miles, all you get good at is base miles.  Intervals are vital to driving up your performance as an enduro cyclist and it's possible to use your time more effectively than by rolling around for 8 hours on a weekend ride.  E3 and to a lesser extent E2 riding is very energy depleting, longer blocks of E3 will force the body to run low on fuel, and adapt to the need for more without spending unsustainable amounts of time on the bike.

Source :


Hormonal manipulations

Filed Under:

What're we really doing when we train?

This is just a brief note about a training method used by some strength and power athletes with some success, not a full examination of the issues etc.

Traditional training models generally work like this :

Base - Low intensity, high volume

Peak - High intensity, low volume

Take the athlete from base to peak, taper for a few days or a week, and they'll be right.  That's what all the books on cycle coaching say.  They talk about varying training loads such that when volume increases, intensity decreases and visa versa.

That's how it's done, right?

Not necessarily.

To work it out, it's helpful to go back to the fundamentals every now and then.  What happens when we train?

Hans Seyle's adaptation syndrome kicks in.  Roughly paraphrased this is "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger".  Or at least, that's one way to look at it.

So what?  What happens when we train?  What are we trying to achieve? 

We're trying to ride our bikes faster.  Trite, I know .. and simplistic.  For how long?  Sprinters, around 10-30 seconds, enduros, 2 minutes to 10 hours or more, but we're all trying to go faster.

When we train, we disturb our bodies.  We stress them.  They respond to stress by adapting to it, and supercompensating if we get it right, so we improve at what we did to stress the body.  How? 

Hormonal fluctuations and tissues opening to the hormones present.

Essentially when we train, we stress the body, it releases hormones into the bloodstream which then get taken up by the stressed tissues and they change accordingly.  The greater the stress, the greater the hormonal response.  Strength athletes have been using exogenous tricks to do this for many many years.  Common exogenous tricks include drugs like nandrolone and the like (the anabolic steriods), EPO (blood boosters) and so on. They're illegal, so we can't use them, but we can learn from them.

There's been some very interesting work done recently in the US concerning training methods that focus more on hormonal levels and less on conventional wisdom when it comes to designing training programs.  Increasing both volume and intensity at the same time and then a big back-off period is one of the methods being discussed.  I'll write more on it next week.  For now, have a read if you can find it :

Pendlay, G. and L. Kilgore (2001). Hormonal fluctuation: A new method for the programming of training. Weightlifting USA 19(2): 15.


It's time I hit the 'Haus and then went to Blackburn to bust some legs on ergos!


Sparta had 300, Phillip Island ... 450!

Filed Under:

Carnegie-Caulfield kicking goals

I'd like to offer my congrats to Carnegie Caulfield - yet again they've run what must be seen as one of, if not the best, road races in Victoria.  They had a field in total of 450 (four hundred and fifty, that is not a typo) riders at the Island yesterday.  Anyone who's raced at the Island knows it is a brilliant course, it's challenging for all riders, has beautiful scenery and the standard of competition there is second to none.  To Mal and your team, well done.



Running around ...

Lucie and I spent the morning looking for an embroidery place that was open for a new logo

I've done a new logo, sort of, for our sprinters.  Here it is aboc sprint squad logo

We're going to get it on the sprinters kit.  Lucie and I spent the morning trying to find a local embroidery place that was open and had a clue.  No luck! Next week ...

This arvo some of the Sprint Squad were over in the 'Haus for training and Nath rolled over to video his bike fit to finish off his Level 1 coaching ticket.  Then Alex and I went out on the MTB's for a bit of an explore of some singletrack he'd found around Mullum Mullum.  We had a bit of fun in the dirt, so not a bad day at all, despite the morning's frustration with all the embroidery places either being closed or useless.



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