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Neil! Warny! w00t!

by Carl Brewer last modified 2012-10-14 18:34
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Neil Robinson was one of my very first coaching "clients", waaay back in 2003 I think, I use the term coaching loosely, I was getting hours up for my level 1 coaching qualification and I helped him a bit and probably did more harm than good.  To cut a long story short, and to make it clear, I take no credit for this achievement, Neil did this without my help, but certainly with my full support, Neil won C grade in the Warny this weekend past.  Read his story.

Chapeau, Neil, Chapeau.

credit where it's due

Posted by neil at 2012-10-14 19:10
I dunno man, I might be the one who sits in the saddle and turns the pedals but I still use the principles we explicitly and implicitly discussed over the years as guide to how to get faster. Despite you're dream that I'll play trackie you've remained supportive of my desire to race road (and mtb... and cross).

Even if I haven't convinced you to accept some responsibility for my result, I'm going to go ahead and keep giving you credit for helping me.

*sigh* great typing neil

Posted by neil at 2012-10-14 23:43

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