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Low attendances at DISC on Sunday evenings

by Carl Brewer last modified 2011-07-05 02:09

What are we doing wrong?

To run my Sunday evening DISC sessions over winter, I need to cover the costs of hiring the track (currently $55/hr) and the lights ($20/hr) and the motorbike if we use it (~$0.50c/km).  Over the last few weeks we've had pretty low turn ups for these sessions.  To break even, at $20/head, I need 8 people to show up.  That's no profit to aboc, that's just to break even.  The ergo/spin sessions we run on Tuesday subsidises Sunday DISC, but it can't afford to do that forever, or for more than a few tens of dollars (spin is cheap, too, $10 includes dinner!).

We sometimes get 10 or so people, which pays for the session and my dinner (CHICKEN!), and that's good - it also means we get a decent group of riders to match up with sprint work, and some enduros to do endurance work while the sprinters recover.

So .. Why are less of you coming?  What am I doing wrong? I need your input on this, if you're not coming, please tell me why.



Posted by neil at 2011-07-06 19:49
i don't want any change, I just have other things on that mean i cant always make it.

that said, i do know a few gents who have expressed interest in attending, hopefully they start showing up soon.

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