A new year!
Forgive me for not having written much in the last fortnight. It's been pretty busy. We've got our next lot of aboc kit all done, thank you to Dino for making that happen. The new stuff is made by Giramondo and it's very good. Locally made (not in some anonymous overseas sweatshop) and top quality. That's not a sales pitch, I'm not trying to sell you this stuff, I'm just very pleased with it.
I've also done a bit of work on The Book, nothing worth writing about, but more background reading more than anything else. What else? Oh, yeah, xmas and new years are all out of the way and they (finally!) put me in the noisy tube to try and see what's going on with my cranky shoulder. I'm off to see my doctor again on Thursday to discuss the results. I've been asking them to do this for probably 6 months now, FINALLY they agreed! Anyway, hopefully we'll have some answers on Thursday. My power uotput is hovering around 1350 or so watts (peak) from small gear efforts, I haven't pushed anything bigger than 84" for some time, but my cadence is good so I'm moderatly pleased with how that's all going. I still want to try and get a 13.2s flying 200 at Blackburn this summer and 12.5 at DISC at the Vic masters would make me happy, although just a 12.9 would be acceptable, given the injury-disrupted year I had, maintaining the status quo is an OK result.
Summer Sprint Series round 4 is coming up soon (13th Feb) but before that is the Vic junior track championships (29th & 30th of Jan) and the Australian senior track championships (1-6 Feb) in Sydney, which as far as I know, I'm going to as an assistant coach. More chances to learn from some of the best.
At DISC, with the weather being warm, I'm finding a lot more confidence on the motorbike. Over winter I was unhappy at anything much over 75km/h around the bends, now I'm comfortable at about 83km/h which is about as fast as we ever need to go. The DISC motorbike's speedo reads around 5% over, we think 83km/h indicated is probably about 78-79km/h actual speed, which is faster than anyone can race, so at least in terms of speed, I'm now able to ride the motorbike fast enough for just about anyone. I still need to get better at a skill that Hilts is a master of, riding at speed around the track while looking over my shoulder. It takes a lot of practice to get good at that and I've not yet gotten to a stage that I think is acceptably good but I'm better at it than I was this time last year! It (the motorbike) skips around at high speeds especially when you cross the painted lines, but I'm used to it now. Hilts has been very patient with me learning this skill, it's not as easy as it looks to get good at.
Dino and Pat and I have been doing our Tuesday morning sessions at Blackburn and enjoying a good solid flaying, we've had low (one last time, just me!) turnouts to Summer Spin but it's been holiday season and everyone's off riding outside as they should - it's really only the pure sprinters that need the uber-high intensity work on the ergos over summer, the rest of you, On Yer Bikes!