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What a weekend

by Carl Brewer last modified 2010-04-18 21:42

And I didn't turn a pedal once

I spent the weekend in at DISC helping some of the lads as aboc, and as 'virtual Hilton', coach.  Dino rode a 12.021s flying 200 which was a huge PB for him, Chris Ray rode a 1:09 kilo (also a big PB), Cam Woolcock rode the toughest points race I've ever seen and for some reason was heavily marked (did they all know he was the sprinter in the pack?) and survived it.  As "VH" I looked after Lou Pascuzzi and The V-Train on Sunday at the sprints, Lou getting a bronze and Stew a gold and the champion of champions after some carefully considered tactical riding in the sprint finals.

I missed out on going for an MTB ride with Emily, but I'm sure we'll be able to do some more of that soon.  I was pretty cranky about missing that, but it is what it is and there'll be more chances for rides, especially after Dino splashes for some ay-ups and we can go at night.

This week, I'm coaching and hopefully lifting in the 'haus tonight, coaching in the 'Haus tomorrow morning, running Spin tomorrow night with Nathan then I'm off to Adelaide for the NTID sprint conference for two days, back late on Thursday, Friday I intend to take easy and spend some QT with Lucie before Saturday I'm in at DISC again with Hilton and the NTID/VIS/CCCC guys and then Sunday is the first of our winter DISC sessions!  Gulp .. that's a big week!



Posted by neil at 2010-04-19 18:16
where's my ruddy mtb'ing invite?

Open invite

Posted by dinoapolito at 2010-04-19 22:01
Hey Neil, there's an open invite for you to come along. Em and I were already wondering what other trails are out there. They need to be easy though - we're lazy track sprinters after all.

And btw - you are effing mad if you do this shit at night!!!!!

night ROCKS!

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2010-04-20 00:31
Seriously, night MTB is awesomelly good fun. It's like rallying without the expensive car, codriver's life in your hands etc .... The trails are empty of people, dogs etc .. (just ... wombats!) and it's brilliant fun.

open invite to mtb'ing

Posted by neil at 2010-04-20 19:27
I'm happy to show you around the various places you can ride on trails. I wont promise you that it will all be inside your comfort zone, but I will promise that any pushing of those comfort levels will be good for you both.

Riding at night isn't so bad, often it just serves to focus you on what's important and allows you to literally not see what you shouldn't be concentrating on.

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