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Sprint qualifying done

by Carl Brewer last modified 2010-03-17 21:55

Safely through the first bit ...

Emily's safely through the first bit of the Aussies, she's qualified second fastest in the sprint with a 13.445s flying 200, the fastest girl is from Tassie and rode a 13.367, so it's going to be close.  Em's previous best was at the Vics a few months ago, a 13.857, so she's found almost half a second since then and both her and the girl from Tassie are breathtakingly close to Imogen's Australian record.  The first sprint round was held shortly after the qualifier and the fastest girls get to race the slowest, so Em was up against a girl who rode a 15.something 200, which was unlikely to be difficult.  Every sprint's a risk though but Em rode patiently and won through safely.

She's off recovering at home at the moment and then will get ready for her big race tonight, the 500m ITT.

Happy Birthday

Posted by dinoapolito at 2010-03-17 22:56
And we all have to remember to wish her a Happy Birthday at the end, she is just a kid after all!

(But by then her dad will be a puddle of nervous sweat on the floor.)

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