Round 6 was washed out.
We need rain, so there's no whinging here. Round 6 was a washout. We did get through all the flying 200's, with a strengthening souwesterly wind and steel-grey skies gathering. 2 races into the rounds and down came the first shower, then it cleared, we got another race done, and down it came for good.
So we had a BBQ, gave out the loot, packed up and went home. I rode a 13.58 flying 200, which, given the wind, I was pretty happy with. Not a PB at Blackburn, but not far off it. It was my third fastest F200 at Blackburn which with that big wind blowing, I was pretty happy with. Dino was back on the pace, Emily rode an outdoors PB for her F200 and we had a good time.
A few weeks of R&R, time to get the mountainbike dirty, the kayaks wet and get into the right headspace for training for next summer.