Bench press .. relevance to cycling? Nope ...
A slightly off-topic milestone today, I benchpressed 100kg (5,4 and 3 reps) in the PowerHaus. Not much use for cycling, but I'd been working towards it as part of strength training, and there you go ... Also managed 5,5,5,5 & 4 deep squats at 140kg, so a good strength session, finished off with 3 sets of 15 kettlebell swings (20kg) and 3 sets of pullups. I hit DISC in an hour and a half to work on power. First, I have to replace a couple of worn cleats as a matter of importance. Last time I left cleats for too long I pulled a cleat at full power and broke a rib or two and spent 6 weeks unable to train. Not this time!