A limit at last
Partial squats today, starting off at 170kg
One set of 6
90 seconds rest
one set of 8
90 seconds rest
one set of 7
90 seconds rest
one failure! 2 (last one a struggle) reps, tried again at 160kg after a couple of minutes ... nope! Cooked.
Good! A limit! Ouch!
The aim was 4 sets of 6-8 reps at 170kg, 90s recovery. 3 and a bit done. That's good. 170kg is around right at the moment. In 6 weeks I'm aiming for 180kg, and 1400 watts peak on the trainer. June is the target for now.
Will be interesting to see what sort of wattage I can get out this arvo with the BGS and HCLR work on the trainer or out on the road (weather and work permitting).