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Flying 200 records

by Carl Brewer last modified 2008-03-25 07:30
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We found the Blackburn velodrome F200 record

Andrew Steele, 11.97 (60.2km/h).

Prior to that it was David Haase, 12.00
Russel Poole may have a fast time also.

Kilo : Metros were run around 2000-2002 - Sean Collins in 1.09.50-ish
Andrew Steele rode a 1.09.76

This is according to Steely, who we're hoping will come to the last round of the TSSS for this season.

Great News

Posted by nathanlarkin at 2008-03-26 02:33
That's great Carl. Now we know where the "Big Boys" are heading. Sub 12 sec is FLYING around that back turn!!

Who is the man of Steele?

Posted by dinoapolito at 2008-03-26 03:28
And how much do I pay him to turn up for the last round of TSSS?

Bribery ...

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2008-03-26 09:56
He works at Le Tour Cycles in Ringwood, and I've been pestering him to come to the TSSS for 6 months now ... If you can get him to come, you get a free sausage at the BBQ!
And Nath, 60km/h around the bottom corner's not too hard, I'm doing 61, but that's drafting Pat's motorbike :) Unassisted though, it's blisteringly quick. Nicko thinks he has a better time, but I'm waiting on him to confirm it (and even to let me know what he thinks it is ... not that he's vague or anything ...)

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