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by Carl Brewer last modified 2008-03-12 18:02
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A very brief update on the Blackburn club meeting last night

Winter road races - yes!  Blackburn's going to be running a few this year, which is good, and should also make some of the other clubs in the Eastern Combine happy. A new road course out at Eildon.  Hilly, urgh .. but good for roadies, which I don't think I am anymore.

Yarra Boule ITTs are on again.

The club needs members to help - it's an ongoing issue, of course.  Rosters. Carrots and sticks ... but the bottom line is that anyone who wants to race bikes has to be involved in running the races.  It's not good enough just to show up on race day and ride.  Give and take, not just take.  Every club struggles with this.  I'm always amazed at how some people react when they're asked to help.  The club is a collection of volunteers, not a paid organisation, 'we' all give our time to run races, and it's simply not good enough to always be busy, always have an excuse not to help run races sometimes.  I know most of the aboc people are good club people (helping all the time!) and this is something that I've tried to foster (to some success, I think, the TSSS is an example of that, you all know who you are, and thankyou!), but sometimes I wonder if some of the other coaches are encouraging more than just 'train and race'?  I think they should if they're not already.  It's not enough to show up, use the club's facilities, ride the races and then just go home and expect it all to be done.  The 'club' looks after the people that help at races etc, as much as possible we've (Bev and I) been trying to drive the club towards a more prominant recognition and reward program for volunteers, and as an example the TSSS has never been short of helpers.  It can be done. Help us and we will look after you.

The aboc Tuesday night winter spin sessions have been approved.

The Trek Summer Sprint Series for '08-'09 has in principle approval.  I want to see if I can get someone else to run it on race day so I can compete in it, but if not, I'll run it again.

There was some discussion about club championships, how the races will be split up (maybe we'll have M1, M2, M3 etc, not all the masters grades lumped together?), fitting in the kids races with other clubs.

There was some talk about a 'jets' program for the kids, which will be run by Simon Quick from Quickcycle.   I didn't pay much attention, I don't 'do' juniors much so it wasn't something I had any real interest in.

There was some rigourous discussion about the Blackburn elite team and how it fits in to the club.

I made sure the club was aware that the post round 6 of the TSSS BBQ/party was for everyone who's helped at any Blackburn track races this season, not just the TSSS volunteers.

I cooked hot dogs etc to feed the attendees and offered to sponsor a little towards the next lot of club jerseys, aboc's far from rich, but it's the right thing to do.

Prior to the meeting there was a final practice session for the club teams track championships this Sunday, the masters 'B' team sprint team is myself, Dino and Alan Dorin, in that order.  I don't think we'll medal, but it should be good fun, and that's what it's all about.  We had a couple of practice runs, and slotted Rob Monteath in as our emergency rider also for a practice run.  I'll be doing one lap!  250m.  Heh ... lazy huh? You bet!




Posted by lisahocking at 2008-03-12 23:16
Northern combine are now discounting riders entry fee's if they volunteer to be a marshall
From the BCC website...
<i>"riders receive a benefit for volunteering as a marshall. The standard entry fee for a race is $20, but if you volunteer for ONE race, then your entry fee for ALL races is $10</i>
Maybe that's an idea that BBN can keep in mind, even if it means increasing the fee's a bit to then provide the discount back to the standard fee


Posted by Carl Brewer at 2008-03-13 00:03

I brought that up at the meeting, and it's not the first time the idea has been mooted.
Carrot & stick.. that's one of the carrots.

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