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by Carl Brewer last modified 2008-01-09 17:42
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Alarm set for 6:45, forecast for today is 41 in the mid afternoon.  Today is sprint training day (Tues & Thurs ...).  Plan : do 3 F200s, then 2 standing 300's, then work for the rest of the day at the computer.

8am ... huh?  Why didn't my alarm go off?!  I've missed my window of opportunity.  I might do the sets later on a spin trainer instead around lunchtime, next to a fridge full of cold drinks!  I have a pizza to burn off.

I don't like this new phone (Palm Treo 750)... it is not to be trusted, especially as an alarm.

Did anyone notice the ITT results from the Aussies out at Ballarat?  Jono Lovelock rode really well, and the most amazing thing was Kathy Watt.  4th in the elite womens.  She's 43 now? Amazing.

I will have to really start digging for people to come to the aboc dinner.  We're low on numbers.  I'm going to break from tradition for this one. The guest speaker is Monique Hanley, of 'Team Type 1', and she has a fantastic talk for us.  If you miss this talk, you're crazy....

I've shuffled the web page around a little - and put the 'coming events' portlet somewhere more immediatly visable.  I hope you like!

Lunchtime on a spinner

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2008-01-10 02:07
Got it done. A spin trainer is ok for rampups etc, but for standing starts it's not very realistic, it recorded that I hit 68km/h in the first 5 seconds, sure, I was pushing 1100 watts at the time, but a spin trainer spins up a lot faster than a 100kg rider accelerates on the flat. Still good quality though, legs busted ... and good!

The Beach Won!

Posted by dinoapolito at 2008-01-11 19:31
My intention was to train with the juniors on Thursday evening. I get there early. do a bit of my program then join with the stronger kids for quite a decent workout). But Emily and I went to the beach instead. Got there around 6pm and stayed until after dark. Magnificent!

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