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How a courier company ruined my day!

by Carl Brewer last modified 2007-10-01 08:24
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I don't generally like to use my blog as a platform for a whinge, but sometimes ....

Background - We're getting sunhats made up for the Trek Summer Sprint Series volunteers as a thankyou for helping to run the races. Rowbust got them done for me.  They were finished last week, on Wednesday - but I don't have them yet.  Why not?  I'm glad you asked ...

They (Rowbust) are in Williamstown - quite a hike from here (Vermont).  So, rather than borrow a car and find 3 hours from somewhere to get across town and back, we'll use a courier.  That should make things easy, right?  I asked Rowbust to deliver the hats to Cycle Science, but they sent them by mistake to my home.  That's ok, we all make mistakes ... mistakes are fine, lack of flexibility is not ...

I got home on Thursday night and there's a "Couriers Please" missed delivery card on my porch (lucky! it could have blown away ....).  Ok, on Friday morning I call them (CP) asking that the box of hats be sent to Cycle Science (which is ~2.5km away from home) instead of my home.  You'd think that would be pretty simple?  I would anyway ... "Sorry, against company policy, we have to send it back to the sender".

Ok, I escalate, and take it to the manager, who says "yes, we can send it to Cycle Science, no worries".  Good-o.  Problem solved ...

Friday night, no hats.

Monday afternoon, still no hats.

Call CP again - "Where is my parcel?".  "In the Port Melbourne depot".  "Can you send it to CS?". "No".  "Why not?" "The driver's already been paid to deliver it to Vermont".

Right ...

So I want the hats, and I'm prepared to let these geese get away with it, I don't want a fight, I want my hats.

"How much do I have to pay to have it sent to CS?"

"You can't without a prepaid token"

So I can't even pay to have a courier company send me a parcel without having to have some prepaid token thingo.

They call me back, after about 10 minutes, it's not in Port Melbourne!  Some "good" news, it's in Blackburn.  That's closer ... but I'm on a pushbike, at a client site, and they won't deliver it, I have to go and pick it up from them. At least I wasn't on the road to Port Melb to pick them up.  Lucky!

Maybe I should send a courier to pick up the hats?

I don't know if this is similar to the experience anyone has with any other couriers, but "Couriers Please" can get stuffed!


Update We went out to pick them up, and the address was wrong!  Found it at last, and now I have the hats.



Nice hat shame about the face!

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-10-01 21:21
Won't sell too many with that model!

maybe ...

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-10-01 22:28
Save the hats from the model!
Every time you don't buy a hat, I eat a kitten (may backfire ...)
any other suggestions? Given that TSSS people get one as a thankyou for helping, I won't be selling many anyway.

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