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Arrooogggahhhh!!!! Sprint training!

by Carl Brewer last modified 2007-09-18 22:10
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On Tuesday, Dino, John & I chased motorbikes again ... w00t!

With Pat "Mr Motorcycle" suffering from a combination of guilty concience and a virus, it was down to John and I to chase him on Tuesday at the BBN roundabout.  Dino showed up as well, which was good.  He's getting better quite quickly.  We started off with a warmup - I had to swap a tyre over due to last week's puncture, so Dino and John chased Pat on the 250 for 20 laps (I think?).  I jumped on with about 3 to go and chased a little, but by then Pat was winding it up, John was dropped and I missed the wheel!  Doh!

So I do a couple of five lappers (86.4") with Pat winding it up to around 55km/h.

Then we do the sprinter thing - sit around and talk crap!

Next, three flying 200's on the 86", John's pushing 81 and spinning like a top, and Dino was on 84"? Dino - I'm sure you'll correct me.  Taking it up to high 50's, with a decent norwesterly wind of around 10kn meant that we were getting pushed up the bank on the southern corner, fun!

After them, it was big-gear-o-clock.  I'm using 98.4" again (I like this gear....), Dino & John are on low 90's.  Three of these each behind the motorbike, with 10-15 mins recovery.  60km/h or a bit over for each of us, and we're done.  John and I are having a healthy bit of rivalry re top speeds behind the bike.  I'm not sure who won the day, but John and Dino rode really well.

A warmdown in easy gears and then pack up and go home. I'll take jellylegs for a dollar, thankyou.  Ride home on the Madone, that little hill seems a little bigger today. Heh ...

Home, get the bolla ready for spin, and then back to the BBN velodrone clubrooms to run the spin session.  Nath's not coming so I ask if Tom minds if I pop the powertap under him for the session - I'm keen to find out what sort of wattages he's putting out.  We have a pretty good session - it's the second last session and we're upping the intensity now everyone's got plenty of endurance work in their legs.  It's been a good week for most of the suffering cyclicts, a number rode the Fruitloop and finished despite a gale, and Tom had won at Casey again on Saturday (lapping the field again ...) and then backed up to come 4th at the Bay2Bay Classic. Not bad for a bloke who's only training one day a week.   Claire (new aboc client) came along, a little flustered from being late (lost!) but soon settled in and had a productive session.

And today, I wussed out on my commute (6km ... blah .. I need to work further from home! It's too easy to be lazy) and rode the VFR, it was blowing a gale and raining when I left home, but now it's nice.  Will have to do an hour on the rollers tonight.  Joy! Tomorrow (at last ...) I'll get to ride the '08 Madone, I'll be at Trekworld in Sydney for two days and they have a demo ride on Thursday morning.  So, no DISC for me this week until Sunday.

And speaking of DISC, John'll be away, so I'll be running the session - and we're not going to let it be so disorganised this time!

30 mins warmup, then we'll split it 20 mins sprint, 20 mins enduro, repeat ... The last session was all over the shop and dangerous with people doing all sorts of things with no communication etc.  That's got to change!


The motorbike won

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-09-19 01:24
But we'll catch it next time. I'm sure someone would have beaten the motorbike if not for that wind up the home straight.

As for my gears, I stayed small all through. 86 to start with and then 90. If we do it again next week I'll pull out the big guns then you'd better watch out - the boy is back in town!

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