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And so it begins

by Carl Brewer last modified 2007-07-07 03:53
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Tour lag ....

Tonight, the prologue.  For the next three weeks, it's tour-lag every morning.  If this year's tour is one tenth as interesting as last years was, it'll be superb.  There's two Australians with real chances to get on the podium, Cadel Evans and Mick Rogers, and of course Robbie McEwen is a likely candidate for the green jersey, especially with Petacci gone for doping anomilies at the Giro.  Petacci probably wouldn't have made it through the mountains anyway, but you never know ... It's a long, wide open Tour, and it starts tonight!

Don't call me in the mornings, please ... I'm sleeping in!

But it won't be the same

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-07-07 19:46
I was so looking forward to Petacchi versus McEwan in the sprints but alas it's not to be for a second year running (Petacchi had a broken knee last year).

Boo Hoo

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