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Thursday night at DISC and some skin suit proposals

by Carl Brewer last modified 2007-06-29 23:04
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A good night at DISC for aboc, and we have some ideas for the skinsuit

Thursday night saw Nathan pull out his best night at DISC so far, with a good finish in the D grade scratch and narrowly missing out on a place in the D grade motorpace.  We didn't notice Mick Thomas in the stands, because the cheersquad (Bev, Dino, Emily and Mick) was too loud to pick individual voices.

I managed a 3rd in the motorpace after a fine leadout from Paul Ambry from HCC.  We split the prizemoney 50/50, so he got a $2 coin for his efforts.  Should have won it, but 250m is a long way to be on the front at full speed and I faded with 50m to go, allowing the mosquito fleet to take first and second.

Emily reported that she had a 1st, a second and a 3rd at the Siemens junior racing on the weekend, and she was even more excited to nform us all that she can now get off her bike without falling!  It's good to have Dino back in the country after his brief stint in the US.

Richard found an excellent skinsuit design that I'm working on adapting to aboc :richard’s skinsuit find


We thought you had second

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-07-01 20:45
The cheer squad all thought you hung on to second place but maybe we were cheering so loud are judgement was clouded...

Either way that was a superb effort. You were suffering from a head cold and after the points race it looked to me like you should have gone home to bed instead of attempting another race.

As for those kids, when I get some form back we'll take revenge and teach them to respect their elders.

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