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tandemania, track crashes

by Carl Brewer last modified 2007-06-03 06:22
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An interesting day indeed

7am, 6 degrees, ride the tandem to the boule, meet up with Vaughan Bowman en route, and a few others.  The tandem on my own, is a barge.  It'll be fun doing the BBN ITT on it.

Arrive at the ITT, meet up with Rob Monteith, we set up the tandem stoker seat for him and enter ($10 for the team! that's half price!).  We do a practice run, it's a barge, it's a truck ...

ITT time, and we go pretty hard, not a great time, but we only get caught by one rider, on a hilly course on a great big heavy bargebike.  It's a handfull, on the descents it drops like a missile, on the flats .. we don't know, the boule has no flats, and up hills ... urgh!  We managed to get around the turnaround at the roundabout without having to get off it.  19:40-something.  Tom Leaper wins it, Jono Lovelock wins the juniors(!). Not a big turnout, but I think it'll grow.

Then, off to the velodrome.  3 hours of some decent training.  A big aboc turnout - Dino, Rich, Rob, Nath and me.  We train pretty hard, and to finish off, Dino wants to do a match sprint. Ok, I'm game.  We roll around, and at the second turn, Dino's about 2m ahead of me up on the red line, I'm down on the duckboards - we're going pretty slow, and Dino slips and falls right in front of me.  Nowhere to go except straight into him!  He's ok, a bit of skin off, but otherwise ok, my bike .. bent chainring, bent crank spider.  Bugger!  I was only doing 2-3km/h when it happened.  No bones broken.  I need a new crankarm.  A Bontrager/Truvativ 165mm crank.  I hope Trek have some in stock, or no racing for me this Thursday!

The Rowbust skinsuit Dino was trialing was torn!  But, it did fit well before then, and generally everyone liked the aboc jacket. You want one?  Send me an email.

Sorry about that chief

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-06-03 18:58
If it's any consolation I had a horrible night's sleep. The right shoulder and chest are very stiff and sore this morning.

I thought those tyres would stick under all conditions, at all speeds but obviously not. How do the big boys come to a complete stand still on the boards?

I hope you're bikes OK. In your current form you just HAVE to race this Thursday. Beg, borrow or steal as long as you're there.

shit happens!

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-06-03 20:15
I did run into your ribs, and while I wasn't going quickly, there's still a lot of mass to slow down. KE = 1/2 (m.v^2). I'm not surprised you're a bit tender. How'd the mefix go? New bits are ordered and Pete at CS reckons he can straighten the crank spider, so all is not lost.

I think the thing that went wrong was your lean when you looked down the banking. Those tyres should stick ok, but not if you stress them by leaning downhill. I'll have a talk to some other coaches & track sprinters and get the tricks to hand on.

Couldn't find any mefix

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-06-04 18:40
The good wife went to three chemists and couldn't find mefix so nurse Emily patched me up with savlon and bandages.

The bigger worry is my arm (shoulder) which I still can't lift above my head. beginning to wonder if I've got the Andrew Symonds ruptured biceps

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