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Bug eyed!

by Carl Brewer last modified 2007-05-07 23:35
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Casey Field, rain, Dandenong Creek trail and a bug ...

Saturday I rode down to Casey to do the first Casey Field crit of the season. Not long after I left aboc HQ the rain started, but assisted by a decent northerly tailwind I averaged 29km/h to Casey and did the trip in a bit over 90 mins.  The race, we won't mention, combined A & B grade due to low nubers of A graders, and I got blown to bits after a hard turn at the front chasing down an early attack when we thought the bunch was under control.  I was the only aboc rider present. Where was everyone?!  It's just a bit of rain! Rather than waste the day, I did a couple of 20 min E3 efforts and then rode home.  Being in no mood for traffic or hills, I thought I'd try the Dandeong Ck trail rather than Stud Rd. Nice enough, partially sealed, partially gravel, ok on a roady, except in places very poorly signed (where's the trail go, again?!). The usual collection of loose dogs etc ...

As it was getting dark I tok off my sunnies and next thing, a bug flies into my left eye.  No big deal, except I've always had eyes that react badly to any scratches, and before I knew it I was monocular.  10km from home, 125km in my legs and one eye, into a headwind up a hill (Boronia Rd to Canterbury Rd on my crit cassette!)... not happy, Jan!

When I finally got home Vanders fed me and I went out for eye drops and dinner.  Spent most of the night unable to sleep and finally woke up with one eye glued shut.  Today, I took the masters track session at DISC, but didn't ride as I basically can't see from one eye so have poor depth perception until it's better.  Only two people came, Nath (thanks for the lift!) and Nick, an Australian/Canadian former semi pro MTB racer. With a split between enduro and sprint riders I couldn't do much interesting stuff for them, so we did reaction drills and Nath did flying 100's.  A bit sad to see how poor the resource (DISC) is utilised.  It's cost a fortune to build, but trackies aren't taking advantage of it.

I'm going back to bed, hopefully I'll have stereo vision tomorrow!

DISC Under utilised

Posted by lawrence at 2007-05-07 01:55
I think if you turn up any Tues, Wed and Thurs night you wouldn't be able to say the facility is under utilised. That also goes for Wed arvo, Fri evenings, and Saturdays during track season. The problem is you are seeing the track at the end of the track season, when trackies have a break from the track and/or the bike, and then start hitting the road to build up their base again to support the heavy track work later in the year.

You are just seeing DISC during a seasonal phase Carl.

Masters training at DISC

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-05-07 05:00
Possibly one of the reasons the masters training is poorly attended is the time slot. 11am to 2pm on a Sunday pretty much wipes out the entire day by the time you factor getting there and back. That makes it tough especially for if there is family or other people involved.
Personally I would prefer it to be at either end of the day rather than the middle although I understand Brunswick has it booked first thing in the morning. Even one of the free evenings (Monday or Friday) might work better. But that's just me. I don't know what others think.


Posted by lawrence at 2007-05-07 21:47
Dino, perhaps you could forward your suggestions/ideas to the Masters Commission? (emails available on the CSV site,under Development -> Masters. You need to scroll down past all the results to get to the relevent bit. They are always keen to receive suggestions/comments etc from masters riders, as they represent us to CSV and appreciate knowing how we feel!

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