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Further Edumucation by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-24 10:06
Seminars, courses .. oh my
I must have hit a nerve by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-21 08:45
Somewhat delayed, but I got some feedback about a racing incident I wrote about way back in 2007
Phew! by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-20 17:40
Will life return to normal now?
One World, Two Wheels by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-17 00:21
Trek US have dived into bike advocacy. What are we doing?
A perfect day to be on a bike by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-14 18:21
Sometimes, everything's just right ...
New bits of a randomish nature by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-14 03:03
Stuff arrives ...
Excuses! by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-09 17:42
My 'holiday' by Carl Brewer — last modified 2008-01-07 03:39
With a change in employment, holidays are now sparse, so I made this one count .. sorta!

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