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Video and data by Carl Brewer — last modified 2011-03-08 00:42
My races on Sunday ....
Who knew training would work... by nic — last modified 2011-03-07 18:02
Getting some pleasing results again
So anyway .. by Carl Brewer — last modified 2011-03-07 17:05
I had a pretty good weekend!
Scatto is good by Carl Brewer — last modified 2011-03-02 09:33
Especially for junior females
It's here ... by Carl Brewer — last modified 2011-02-28 07:56
3T Scatto ... out with the old (Easton EC90), in with the new!
Go Anna by Carl Brewer — last modified 2011-02-27 19:24
Anna Meares ...
CCCC's new website by Carl Brewer — last modified 2011-02-27 18:46
Congrats to CCCC, who continue to lead
Perspective by dinoapolito — last modified 2011-02-20 20:19

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