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All recently modified items, latest first.
Spin #15 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-10 09:11
The program for this session
Goals and Progress by nic, last updated: 2012-07-09 00:02
Where am I at?
09 by nic, last updated: 2012-07-09 00:02
July by nic, last updated: 2012-07-09 00:02
2012 by nic, last updated: 2012-07-09 00:02
DISC #7 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-08 21:06
An aboc DISC session
Friday night DISC #4 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-08 21:04
An aboc/Blackburn Cycling Club DISC session
DISC #6 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-07 23:33
An aboc DISC session
A week in the life of by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-02 21:28
What I've been up to lately
02 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-02 21:28
July by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-02 21:28
It takes more than just 10,000 hours by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-02 06:17
The seductive argument that practice alone makes champions is wrong
Friday night DISC #3 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-01 19:25
An aboc/Blackburn Cycling Club DISC session
Spin #14 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-07-01 19:17
The program for this session
29 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-06-29 20:45
Jockeys by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-06-29 20:40
DISC #5 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-06-29 08:55
An aboc DISC session
Friday night DISC #2 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-06-24 20:31
An aboc/Blackburn Cycling Club DISC session
Spin #13 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-06-24 20:26
The program for this session
Friday night DISC #1 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2012-06-22 03:32
An aboc/Blackburn Cycling Club DISC session

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