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All recently modified items, latest first.
September by nathanlarkin, last updated: 2008-09-06 06:51
Wheels by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-05 05:20
The new disk wheel is here
05 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-05 05:20
Mr fixit by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-04 00:27
Sorta .. the BBN velodrome is broken ..
04 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-04 00:26
aboc supporting the Doherty Tour by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-03 20:14
We're supporting the 2008 Great Doherty tour
End of spin 2008 BBQ by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-03 08:16
A BBQ to celebrate the end of winter and welcoming daylight savings
Qualified by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-03 07:51
My L1 AS&C is all done and dusted
03 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-03 07:51
Nathan on the attack by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-03 07:50
Nathan Larkin attacks in a match sprint round at the 2007-2008 Trek Summer Sprint Series
Watts, delays, cards by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-02 20:51
Consistent on the power meter, delays with clothes and promo cards have arrived
02 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-02 20:51
DISC #23 2008 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-02 00:05
Riders attending the Hawthorn 'Sunday Roast' races preceding this session are welcome to attend
DISC #22 2008 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-02 00:02
Riders attending the Hawthorn 'Sunday Roast' races preceding this session are welcome to attend
A modern approach to stretching by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-01 23:38
David Fleckenstein's Low load, long duration (LLPD) stretching method
Warming up for races by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-01 23:35
The aboc guide to warming up for road races, criteriums, handicaps and so on
Static stretching reduces performance by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-01 23:33
There's a growing body of evidence that says static stretching impairs sports performance
01 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-01 23:32
September by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-09-01 23:32
What is cadence? by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2008-08-31 22:53
Heard about it but not sure what it means?

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