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15 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-15 05:08
Emily is on the mend by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-15 05:07
Em had a nasty crash on Saturday at Blackburn, but she's ok
Strength and power training by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-11 21:05
aboc Cycle Coaching is partnered with the aboc PowerHaus
Watt? Woot! by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-10 17:23
A new PB last night on the Powertap, and a crash of sorts
10 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-10 17:23
Even an end has a start by dinoapolito, last updated: 2009-11-09 23:00
Starting gate woes...
09 by dinoapolito, last updated: 2009-11-09 23:00
Good coaching practice by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-09 19:00
What matters ..
09 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-09 19:00
Here Here! by dinoapolito, last updated: 2009-11-08 16:45
Here Here!
Emily lights it up at Shepparton by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-07 02:58
Emily Apolito has some good wins
Tribute to a young man by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-06 20:46
Will Thomas
Slowly starting to feel good again by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-06 20:14
I've been off for about 5 weeks, but am slowing inching back ...
06 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-06 20:14
The Big Merv by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-03 17:01
I'm doing Movember this year ...
03 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-03 16:55
November by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-03 16:55
Summer Spin #3 by Carl Brewer, last updated: 2009-11-01 20:14
That's more like it by dinoapolito, last updated: 2009-11-01 18:37
Finally, the Apolito's score some wins...
Still winless by dinoapolito, last updated: 2009-11-01 17:56
But hopeful things will turn around soon

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