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2818 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
The Meg - beaten [1%] by carl, 2008-02-17 17:56
Karen beats The Meg at Mt Hotham
The Meg Mt Hotham - the top [1%] by carl, 2008-02-17 17:55
The top of The Meg at Mt Hotham looking down
The Meg Mt Hotham [1%] by carl, 2008-02-17 17:53
The sign at the start of The Meg on Mt Hotham.
Deadlifts ... gak! [1%] by carl, 2008-02-14 17:25
Who'd have thought .. weight training is hard!
14 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-14 17:25
Kurt Kinetic 'Road Machine' spin trainer [1%] by carl, 2009-05-21 11:42
A new trainer, and it's very good indeed
Cool stuff - maps! [1%] by carl, 2008-02-11 06:34
Ever wanted to update a map you know is wrong?
11 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-11 06:34
It's good news week? [1%] by carl, 2008-02-10 16:23
In today's Age, another article about bikes, and it's positive
10 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-10 16:23
A new torque PB! [1%] by carl, 2008-02-09 21:47
Standing starts and surges require torque ... lots of it
If they can do it in London [1%] by carl, 2008-02-09 20:04
London's council to build bicycle highways!
09 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-09 20:04
petrol taxes! More please ... [1%] by carl, 2008-02-06 18:04
Not everyone is clambering for cheaper petrol
06 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-06 18:04
148rpm [1%] by carl, 2008-02-05 00:00
Some progress with the motorpacing
05 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-05 00:00
SPD-SL's and straps [1%] by carl, 2008-02-04 20:41
I stumbled onto a really good howto for SPD-SL's and toe straps.
04 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-04 20:41
The Trek Summer Sprint Series - vindication! [1%] by carl, 2008-02-03 16:30
We get a good field and brilliant racing!
03 [1%] by carl, 2008-02-03 16:30
February [1%] by carl, 2008-02-03 16:30
The bench [1%] by carl, 2008-02-01 06:44
The cyberfit flat/incline bench in the power rack at the aboc Power House
The weights [1%] by carl, 2008-02-01 06:43
120kg of olympic weights and an olympic bar, neatly stacked on the rack in the aboc Power House
The Rack [1%] by carl, 2008-02-01 06:42
The cyberfit power rack in the aboc Power House
Strength and power training [1%] by carl, 2009-11-11 21:05
aboc Cycle Coaching is partnered with the aboc PowerHaus
The aboc Power House [1%] by carl, 2008-01-30 22:55
We have strength and power training equipment now
New equipment - power calibrated spin trainer [1%] by carl, 2008-01-29 23:48
aboc has invested in a Kurt Kinetic 'road machine'
Report from the coaching seminar [1%] by carl, 2008-01-27 22:08
A brief overview of the proceedings at the first coaching seminar/forum
27 [1%] by carl, 2008-01-27 18:09

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