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Very scary

by dinoapolito — last modified 2009-09-20 05:01

Had a couple of frights over the weekend

The weekend finished OK but I had a some scares along the way.

It started Saturday morning when young Bev rolled up to my place at 7.30 am (that's not the scary bit) for our regular Saturday morning ride to Beach Rd and back. Along City Rd and under the King's way overpass I hit a small pot hole and broke a spoke. I've never broken a spoke before and it was bloody loud, echoing under the bridge as it were and clanging about as the wheel kept spinning. Turns out it was the nipple that broke not the spoke. We continued our ride to the Sandbar cafe where we met the Thomas clan. The front wheel was wobbling all over place and given the howling cross winds it was not much fun. So after coffee we dropped into a LBS who kindly repaired the spoke (for $30) and we headed home.


All was good until we were nearly home. Many of you may know the "cutting" - a screaming downhill from the roundabout in Ivanhoe where Burke Rd North meets Rosanna Rd/Lower Heidelberg Road. It's a dog of a climb in the morning when cold but great to roar down at 60kph on the way home.  And so there I was near the bottom of the cutting approaching 60kph when my front wheel starts wobbling all over the place and the whole bike fish tales from side to side.The cutting is narrow, one lane and no gutter - no place for an out of control bike.


I thought I would surely die. No way was I going to avoid a spill so it was just a question of whether I was run over from behind or head on. I was wobbling almost to the wrong side of the road and cars were behind me as well. Things just got worse when I tried to apply the brakes. I don't know how I managed to stay upright but I did and eventually came rolling to a stop on the side of the road. (Thanks to the car behind who slowed right down and gestured a "Are you OK?" motion. Not all car drivers are monsters)


My first thought was that we hadn't done up the quick release after putting the front wheel back on but it turned out to be a flat tyre. Basically I'd been riding on my rims at 60kph down a steep hill! A quick tube change and we were home soon after for a much needed change of clothing...


Saturday afternoon and weight training in the 'Hause and another fright. I have some tendonitis behind the left knee and while doing a warm-up squat at 55kg I felt a very sharp and painful 'twang' on the way down. We called it quits and it is OK but for a horrible moment I thought "there goes the summer season"


Sunday and it's practise day for the forthcoming Summer Sprint Series. Flying 200 was very disappointing - 13.72 - half a second slower than the last F200 at BBN in April. The two races were much better. Beat Carl in race one with a well timed jump that just managed to allow me to drop into the lane in front of him. Then I had to work hard to hold him off. Race 2 was the highlight of the weekend - I beat Barry!!!!!  This time I led out and Barry was happy to camp on my wheel. I kicked hard with 200 to go and held him at bay. I'll take it and bag even though it was only practice.


So, who know what next week will bring. It's the season for sporting cliches and we're just taking it one week at a time...


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