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Who knew training would work...

by nic — last modified 2011-03-07 18:02

Getting some pleasing results again

Three weeks ago I raced round 4 of the sprint series. I had hurt my back a few weeks before doing some gate starts at Blackburn and had essentially been off the bike for the whole three weeks before round 4, and predictably, I got smashed. F200 of 14.3 odd (slowest in B Grade) and lost all three races. The good news was that I pulled up fine and was able to train.

So three weeks of ergo's doing efforts on my 'power gear' and a final session at disk where Neil and I chased the motorbike for a full wind up and a flying kilo (Neil) or 500 (Me) had me feeling good for Round 5. I've also been restricted to an 82 inch gear but for round 5 Dr Carl Brewer allowed me an upgrade to an 86.

I tried a slightly longer wind up in my 200 and ended up with a 13.6 and the second fastest in B grade, a new PB and faster (by half a second) than I went in round 1 back in October on a 92 inch gear.

I raced well and just couldn't get past Carl in the final, just ran out of horsepower in the end, but look out for round 6 in a month. I've pulled up pain free so I can keep working hard and look to get one back against the supercoach in Round 6. 

Yes guys, training really does work.

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