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Now that i really know how far it is, I have no excuse.

by nathanlarkin — last modified 2007-12-17 05:15
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If i can ride to work as fast as it takes on the train, then who needs the train???

Well today was my first official commute to work and with the HRM on i was able to get a boot load of data on how i am going and where i need to improve. I was also able to measure out my route and make sure i am doing it in a time that was relavant to getting better and trying to stay within my training limits.

So from Noble Park Nth to Preston via the most direct route is 38 k. Now thats taking a pretty easy and not very hill way through Clayton, Carnegie, Brighton, St Kilda, Metro Melb, Brunswick, Northcote, Thornbury, and finaly Preston.

It's a nice ride almost exclusively on Bike Lane the whole way!! I am addicted to the commute now and feel the need to do more. I might even start to ride home as well as in.


Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-12-18 16:29
Nath, this is awesome. I'm wrapped that you're doing it! w00t! tops, you rock the kasbah etc!

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