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Am I a sandbagger?

by dinoapolito — last modified 2007-05-10 20:15
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Last nights win at DISC seems a bit hollow

I returned to DISC for last nights racing but since I hadn't even sat on a bike in the previous fortnight (illness, working 7 day weeks, father in hospital, sore hip, excuses, excuses..) I put myself in D grade.

The scratch race was awful, no one could hold a line, I was chopped (and probably did some chopping myself to be fair ) and at one stage ended up on the boards to avoid someone who suddenly decided to move into the sprinters lane. I finished third but felt bad and really tired.

The points race wasn't any better. I had a dip at the first sprint, got a third again but blew up badly for the rest of the race. Again I was just glad to stay upright as it was real messy.

The motorpace was good. Being a controlled paceline made it safer and the gradual increase in speed suited me. It also meant the weaker riders dropped off the pace as the speed increased and gaps opened up in the pace line so twice when I peeled of from the guerney I was able to drop back in without having to drift to the back. I found myself third wheel when the motorbike peeled off and was able to easily sprint over the top to take the win.

A win is a win I guess but given I'm normally a C grader I felt guilty. (I donated the prizemoney to Emily). Back to C grade next week and hopefull that aboc guy is in a generous mood and will look after me.

No you aen't

Posted by nick at 2007-05-14 05:51
Dino that's bshit! there are handicappers, so they felt you could ride D and you hadn't been on the bike for a couple of weeks. I reckon you did well. Coming you see over the bank towards the finish was awesome, and last I screamed that hard was when Michael Roach was kicking goals for Richmond, adn I was in the cheer squad- yes that's right Nick was in the Richmond Cheer Squad. And yet another piece of the puzzle that is Nick comes to the fore. I am picking up my track bike tomorrow. ia m not racing until Lawrence says it is okay- could be ages or could be next week, depends on what coach L says. looking forward to it though.

WIthout typos No You AREN'T

Posted by nick at 2007-05-14 05:54
Dino that's bshit! there are handicappers, so they felt you could ride D and you hadn't been on the bike for a couple of weeks. I reckon you did well. Coming to Disc and seeing you see race over the bank towards the finish was awesome, and last TIME I screamed that hard was when Michael Roach was kicking goals for Richmond, AND I was in the cheer squad- yes that's right Nick was in the Richmond Cheer Squad. And yet another piece of the puzzle that is Nick comes to the fore. I am picking up my track bike tomorrow. I AM not racing until Lawrence says it is okay- could be ages or could be next week, depends on what coach L says. looking forward to it though

Never forgive Leigh Matthews

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-05-14 06:04
Yeah Michael Roach was pretty good until Leigh Matthews jumped into his back and prematurely ended Roachie's career. Matthews did the same to Ken Hunter at Carlton one day. BTW I've never forgiven Tom Hafey, Neil Balme and Laurie Fowler for 1973 either.
Back to DISC this Thursday and back into C grade and I have no more excuses. Were you really screaning? I couldn't hear a thing.
What's your track bike BTW and when do we see it?
And finally, are you racing at Crib Point? I need a lead out man!!!!

Leading Out

Posted by nick at 2007-05-16 21:05
Yeah i was screaming - ofcourse along with Bevy Boo and little Em. Track bike is a Bianchi- bought it from Cecil Walker who has been impressive so far. Crib Pointy- not sure may be doing a three day vets tour but if I am racing Crib Point-= will definately be your lead out man. I am practicing tactics in D grade at the moment, so for the most of the race, I will be sitting third or fourth wheel and then I will be there for the leadout.
May seeyou tonight.

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