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Captain Grumpy

by dinoapolito — last modified 2007-05-01 11:37

I hate not riding my bike

Beware if you cross my path today because I'm one grumpy dude! What began as a great week turned into a weekend of frustration and now some innocent is gonna have to pay. (Where's the cat?)

Last Saturday I watched Emily in her first race at Siemans. It was great to sit back and watch partly becaue I was warm and dry as the kids went around in the pouring rain. That was a nice change I thought. She started off nervous as hell and almost beside herself with fear but finished strongly and with a big smile on her face and eager to do more. Despite the rain it was a great day.

Then on Wednesday I did the 100K for Anzac Day ride (should become a tradition) and surprised myself and possibly a few others at how well I rode in illustrious company. Glorious weather and a great ride.

Thursday night was my racing debut at DISC and despite heavy legs from the day before I did OK in C grade. I finished each race well and even managed some points in the second sprint of the Sprints race. I need bigger gearing - 90 inches isn't enough at the speed these guys go - but otherwise I reckon I can be competitive and maybe figure in the pointy end of the race by seasons end.

Friday it all started to go hay wire. A sore stomach Friday night ended up full blown acute gastritis. A trip to the hospital was avoided by finding a doctor who would come to me who prceeded to inject me with a brew that knocked me out until 3pm the following day. Needless to say no riding was possible this weekend and next weekend I'm working (come say hello at the photography show at Jeff's Shed) so I can't ride next weekend either!

Although under done I intend to race at DISC again this Thursday night and in my current mood I suggest no one gets in my way!

no leadout man then?

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-05-01 00:18
You don't want a leadout man?

Get better QUICKLY

Posted by nick at 2007-05-02 03:18
Dino u better get well quick as Bev and I are going to disc to cheer the aboc team on. PS IF YOU COME LAST WE WILL BOO YOU AND THROW THINGS AT YOU- Joking or am i???
Seriously drink heaps of fluid- it will right mate!!!

Sorry Nick

Posted by dinoapolito at 2007-05-02 05:17
Sorry to disappoint you and Bev but I probably won't be going this Thursday. Somethings come up.

Captain Grumpy

Posted by nick at 2007-05-02 06:14
Dear Captain Grumpy you can't get out of it that easy - we can come next week as well. Want to see all you guys cycling around a veledrome in a tin shed- gees when I put it like that it sounds pretty boring doesn't it- is there catering or coffee at least- is there anything else to do much watch and boo and cheer as such!
PS Bev and I can be the ABOC cheer leaders- I am working on some moves that are CHEERAGIOUS!!!! and CHEERLISCIOUS AND CHEERSEXY!
Here are some of the cheers. Yellow and blue you can do it. Yellow Blue No Boo HOO. Yellow and blue you can do it. ABOC ABOC ABOC HOORAH ABOC!

- what do ya think?


Cheering Bird

Posted by lawrence at 2007-05-02 23:39
Right! You are booked for Leongatha next year Mr Bird! And for all the Vodafone events also!

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