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Australia Day Madison

by Carl Brewer last modified 2009-01-26 16:36

A great day's racing

A quick summary :

The aboc boys, Cam Woolcock and Mason Austen, rode very well. They were outclassed but learned a lot and were far from disgraced.

Vanders rode in the support races and did pretty well too.

I rode the scratch race (C grade support) and DNF'd after 8 laps (CF: 0).

I spent most of the day commentating.

Tom Leaper and Ashley Hanson won the madison by miles.  The Hawthorn team (featuring the V-Train) came second and the Brunswick boys, Shawn/Sean and Ollie, were so tough and inspiring with their efforts to hold second place.  Incredible riding.

The women's madison was a non-event. One team turned up to race (The Velvet Hammer and her Rowing Olympian teammate).  Not sure what else to do about this?  I promoted the womens madison as much as I could, maybe there's just not enough women interested to do it?

It's going to be a scorcher of a week, high 30's until Sunday ... but that's ok, Sunday can cool down, it's round 4!


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