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A new torque PB!

by Carl Brewer last modified 2008-02-09 21:47

Standing starts and surges require torque ... lots of it

Today, doing standing 150's on the roady rather than the track bike (so I have a power meter!) at the BBN velo.  I didn't feel all that strong, and only hit around 1130 watts (last week I was getting 1300-odd on the trainer), but after grabbing the data and looking at it, I hit a new PB for hub torque, 203.6 n-m.  I'm pretty happy with that.  Not much power when I did high cadence stuff, but that will come ... This is a long term project, turning a reasonably weak B grade flatland roadie into a track sprinter will take some years. 1300 watts is several hundred less than I need to even be second rate, so it'll be a while before I get the big numbers and the speed that comes with it, assuming I can ... and there's only one way to find out. Suck it and see!

In the gym I'm gradually increasing the load on squats etc, at the moment I'm doing general strength stuff, squats, benchpress and a mix up of upper body stuff to keep some sort of balance, nothing spectaculatly focussed at this time, I've only had the power training gear for a couple of weeks and it takes time to be ready for the big weights and serious strength training.  Patience, grasshopper ... I'm doing 3 sets of 12 reps at the moment and gradually increasing load - got up to 120kg on the squats today, after starting at 50kg two weeks ago, but bear in mind that that's not an increase in strength, it's just finding out what I have at the moment. these are pretty low numbers, but it's not currently about big weights, that's later on.  For now this is 'base miles' for sprinting.



hippy says

Posted by hippy at 2008-02-10 12:55
I've just got myself a Powertap.
I've hit 1125W a few times (spinning up the road, small chainring uphill "sprint") and thought it was reading high, but everything else seems to indicate it's accurate. The max Torque values are in the mid-50's though, nowhere near 200Nm!
When you say you hit 1100W+ are you talking about max power for the session or your 5sec peak power?

Anyway, keep up the Powertap blogging - it's all new and now interesting for me now I know some of what you're talking about! :)

Max ...

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2008-02-10 16:12
Max power, not sure what the 5s max is without going looking.
Get a copy of Cycling Peaks WKO+, it's worth every cent as a power analysis tool

small gear sprints are where I've hit max power in the past, power is torque x cadence, roughly, remember!

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